Kako zavezati vozel Christensen

Eleganten vozel, poznan tudi kot “Christensen”.Očara tako kot motiv vozla princa Alberta skozi križišče, which in the case of a Christensen knot comes in two variants.

Eleganca iz Švedske

noter 1917, a mail order house offered in his catalog of unusual knot motif intersection. A few years later, švedska proizvajalka kravat Amanda Christensen je že drugič izdala ta katalog, at the same time perpetuating the name of fashion. Initially, ime določajo vezi z dvema enako ozkima koncema (“Enakopravni”). In their case, in fact can be seen clearly cross. In such a node can be attributed to the modern ties, but they may not be wide or thick material. In the case of modern ties in vain you seek cross: poleg ustreznega vozla se ustvari le dodaten majhen disk, tako da je dobro oblikovan vozel videti lepo podaljšan.

Christensen vozel


Isto tehniko lahko uporabite za vezavo in prevajanje širokega konca skozi sprednjo palico – but then do not get a hybrid of fashion. As at the junction of Prince Albert, speljite širok konec pod zadnjo prečko, which will make the front becomes visible as the puck at the top or at the bottom of the knot. While holding the narrow end, suggested to knot the collar. Before it completely take out, place the hybrid bond. Try it if you like more, ko je vidna na dnu ali na vrhu.

Kako zavezati vozel Christensen

Kako zavezati vozel Christensen


Z nekaj besedami

  • – Širok ovratnik
  • – Samo za ozke kravate
  • – Simetrično
  • – Nenavaden
  • – Za tanke tkanine
  • – Tradicionalno: enakokrake vezi
  • – Ne razreši se sam
  • – Delati, ampak večinoma za posebne priložnosti
  • – Burke debelejši vrat