Mar a cheanglas tu snaidhm Pratt (Snaidhm Shelby)

Tha mòran ainmean aithnichte aig snaidhm Pratt: Shelby, leth-gaoth-gaoithe inverted, clasaigeach Ameireaganach no Ameireaganach.

Leas Windsor

Tha an nód as fheàrr leotha anns na SA a’ freagairt gu foirfe air dòigh-beatha Ameireagaidh, it presents a very natural and easier than it binds the node of Windsor. If the tie has a thick lining, faodaidh tu collar notch a lìonadh beagan snaidhm Pratt neo-chunbhalach, instead of so far used Windsor. Since the subsequent movements of the bonds are simpler to perform than the double the Windsor knot, mar sin faodaidh tu na ceanglaichean as giorra a cheangal agus snaidhm mhòr fhaighinn.

Ag obair làmhan

A rèir an stuth a bhios a’ cruthachadh an snaidhm ceangail às deidh a’ cheum mu dheireadh de cheangal faodaidh sin beagan nerves a chosg dhut, Buinidh snaidhm Pratt dhaibhsan nach eil fhathast nas fhaide “air a ghleusadh” to give them a nice shape. You should incur in the course of the node a little harder to grab and knead the material until the desired form.

Snaidhm PrattCudromach

The original Pratt knot is called. inverted node – tòisich a 'ceangal seam air an taobh a-muigh agus tha an siostam suas gu deireadh, then hide the seam under the collar. In Europe, it is also known a variant of the node. You put a tie around the neck seam to the inside. With one hand you hold the narrow end, the second you turn the wide end so as to have the seam on the outside. Then you do the movements in the order given for the original Pratt. Try first just in case tie knot seam on the outside (air ais). If it bother you that the narrow end is also reversed, chan fheum thu dragh a dhèanamh leis an roghainn seo, ach faodaidh tu cleas beag a chleachdadh: mus toir thu a-mach nod, tionndaidh an ceann caol ris an “deas” taobh.

Mar a cheanglas tu snaidhm Pratt (Snaidhm Shelby)

Mar a cheanglas tu Pratt Knot

Ann am beagan fhaclan:

  • – (Cha mhòr) co-chothromach
  • – Mòr le ceanglaichean farsaing is tiugh
  • – Collars beagan nas fharsainge
  • – Airson amannan neo-fhoirmeil, ach cuideachd a bhith ag obair
  • – Adhartach (nód ceartachaidh a dhìth)
  • – Chan eil e ga fhuasgladh fhèin